May 21, 2024

Building Your Own Cornhole Boards: A Step-By-Step Guide By Spot Court Construction Company

When it comes to outdoor games and backyard entertainment, few activities can rival the timeless charm of a game of cornhole. Cornhole, also known as bean bag toss, is a simple yet endlessly enjoyable game that can be played by people of all ages. If you’re a fan of cornhole or just looking to add some fun to your outdoor gatherings, why not consider building your own cornhole boards? In this comprehensive guide brought to you by Spot Court Construction Company, we will walk you through the process of creating your very own cornhole boards with detailed cornhole board plans.

Why Build Your Own Cornhole Boards?

Building your own cornhole boards offers a range of advantages over purchasing pre-made sets. Firstly, it allows you to customize the boards to your liking, ensuring they match your personal style and preferences. Additionally, DIY cornhole boards often offer better durability and craftsmanship compared to mass-produced alternatives. By constructing your own cornhole boards, you can take pride in the workmanship and enjoy a sense of accomplishment that comes from creating something with your own two hands.

Getting Started With Cornhole Board Plans

Before you dive into the construction process, it’s essential to gather all the necessary materials and tools. Here’s what you’ll need to begin your DIY cornhole board project:


  1. Two 2×4 plywood sheets (4 feet by 2 feet each)
  2. Four 2×4 wooden boards (8 feet each)
  3. Wood glue
  4. Wood screws (2.5 inches)
  5. 1/2-inch plywood for the playing surface
  6. Wood filler
  7. Sandpaper (medium and fine grit)
  8. Primer
  9. Paint in your desired colors
  10. Cornhole bags


  1. Saw (circular or jigsaw)
  2. Measuring tape
  3. Pencil
  4. Clamps
  5. Screwdriver or drill
  6. Paintbrushes
  7. Painter’s tape
  8. Compass or a round object for drawing the hole

Cutting The Wood

To begin constructing your cornhole boards, start by cutting the plywood sheets and wooden boards to the following dimensions:

  • Cut the plywood sheets to 4 feet by 2 feet each. These will be the tops of your cornhole boards.
  • Cut the four 2×4 wooden boards into eight pieces, each measuring 2 feet in length. These will be used to create the frame for the boards.

Assembling The Frame

Next, assemble the frame for each cornhole board. Place two of the 2×4 wooden boards parallel to each other, and then attach two more boards to the top and bottom to form a rectangular frame. Secure the corners with wood screws and wood glue for added strength. Repeat this process for the second board.

Creating The Hole

To create the hole for your cornhole board, use a compass or a round object to draw a 6-inch diameter circle on the center of each board. Carefully cut out the circle using a jigsaw or a hole saw. Sand the edges to ensure they are smooth.

Attaching The Playing Surface

Now, take the 1/2-inch plywood sheet and cut it to fit the top of the frame. Center it over the frame and attach it using wood screws. Be sure to countersink the screws slightly and fill the holes with wood filler to create a smooth playing surface.

Sanding And Priming

Sand the entire surface of the cornhole boards to remove any rough edges or imperfections. Start with medium-grit sandpaper and then switch to fine-grit sandpaper for a smooth finish. After sanding, apply a coat of primer to the boards and let them dry thoroughly.


Once the primer is dry, it’s time to get creative with your paint. Use painter’s tape to create clean lines and designs on the boards. Paint them in your desired colors, and don’t forget to paint the hole edges as well. Allow the paint to dry completely before removing the tape.

Adding Finishing Touches

To complete your cornhole boards, you can add any finishing touches you like. This might include applying a clear coat for added durability, adding decals or designs, or even personalizing them with your name or favorite sports team logo.

Making Cornhole Bags

No cornhole game is complete without cornhole bags. You can either purchase pre-made bags or make your own. To make your own cornhole bags, you’ll need:

  • Duck canvas fabric
  • Sewing machine
  • Corn or beans for filling
  • Thread
  • Scissors

Cut the duck canvas fabric into 7×7-inch squares. Sew three sides of each square, leaving one side open. Fill the bags with corn or beans, and then sew the open side closed. You’ll need eight bags, four for each team, typically in two different colors.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully constructed your own custom cornhole boards using the corn hole board plans provided by Spot Court Construction Company. Building your own cornhole boards is a rewarding DIY project that can provide hours of outdoor fun for family and friends. With the ability to customize the design and colors, your cornhole boards will not only be a source of entertainment but also a unique addition to your backyard or event.

Whether you’re a seasoned woodworker or new to DIY projects, this step-by-step guide can help you create cornhole boards that are not only functional but also visually appealing. So, gather your materials, put on your creative hat, and get ready to enjoy countless hours of cornhole fun with your handmade boards. Get started on your cornhole board project today and elevate your outdoor entertainment game!

Remember that the key to a successful DIY project is patience and attention to detail. Take your time, follow the instructions, and enjoy the process of creating something special with your own hands. Your Spot Court Construction Company cornhole boards will undoubtedly be a hit at your next gathering, providing endless laughter and memories for years to come.

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